Description | Location | Est. Cost (+/-25%) |
Budget Year | Comments | |
1. | Install retaining wall | Across from 432 Ridge | $6,000 | 2021 | Install 10 ft retaining wall to fix road slippage and cracking |
2. | Extend retaining wall | Across from 432 Ridge | $6,000 | 2021 | Extend retaining wall at both ends. Add concrete gutters |
3. | Install drainpipe | Hillside across from 432 Ridge | $3,000 | 2021 | a. Install solid drain pipe on side of hill. b. Replace inlet grate. c. Reinstall drain rock in 50 ft section of ditch. |
4. | Road turn-outs | Ridge & Canyon, 499, 495, 491, 487 Ridge | $8,000? | Widen narrow sections of road by 2-4 ft to allow emergency traffic and reduce blind curves. | |
5. | Repair grates on culverts | Ridge Spur & at 467 Ridge | $800 | 2021 | Reinstall culvert protection grates. |
6. | Repave Roadway | Farvue | $20,000 | 2022 | A 40 ft section of concrete road surface has significant cracks & potholes. |
7. | Repair ditch & repave, widen intersection | Intersection of Ridge & Half Moon | $5,000 | 2023 | A 15 ft section of roadway edge is breaking away. |
8. | Repair/repave road | Near 90 Half Moon | $3,500 | 2024 | Tree roots have grown into the road causing significant cracking. Remove roots & repave road. |
9. | Repair/repave road | Near 60 Half Moon | $5,000 | 2024 | Tree roots have grown into the road causing significant cracking. Remove roots & repave road. |
10. | Repair/repave road | Near 55 Half Moon | $1,200 | 2025 | Tree roots are beginning to open the road surface. Heavy traffic area. Remove roots & repave road. |
11. | Repair/repave road | Near 91 Half Moon | $2,500 | 2025 | Tree roots are beginning to open the road surface. Heavy traffic area. Remove roots & repave road. |
Pending / In progress | |
Completed | |
Not yet started |
Description | Est. Cost (+/-25%) |
Compl. Date | Actual Cost | |
1. | Install retaining wall | $6,000 | 06/07/21 | $9,388 |
2. | Extend retaining wall (photo) | $6,000 | 06/29/22 | $6,411 |