• How do I add a profile photo that shows up next to my name? Profile photos can be managed in Member Settings. Detailed instructions here.
• How do I add my pet? Pets can be added from the Members tab of Account Settings.
• What is the difference between Member Settings and Account Settings? Member Settings apply to individual members of a household. Account Settings apply to the household address.
• Can I add an external address if I have a residence outside of Novato Heights? Yes, external addresses can be added from the Addresses tab of Account Settings.
Paying Dues
• What are the options for paying NHPOA annual dues? 1) By check, mailed in the envelope provided with the annual dues notice. 2) Online by credit card or bank withdrawal using the NHPOA website.
• How do I pay NHPOA annual dues online? Log in to novatoheights.com to pay your dues online. Detailed instructions here.
• Why do I see a payment alert on the website when I've already paid my dues by check? Currently, the website is only able to track payments made online. The alert can be ignored. This issue has been logged with HOA Express and may be solved in the future.
Resident Directory
• How do I update my contact info in the Resident Directory? Contact info can be managed from the General tab of Member Settings.
• How do I turn off email summaries that come from the website? Notification preferences can be managed from the Contact tab of Member Settings.
• Who has access to the Resident Directory? Only registered users of novatoheights.com can view the Resident Directory.
• How do hide my contact info from the Resident Directory? Display of contact info can be managed from Member Settings. Detailed instructions here.
• How do I remove my address from the Resident Directory? Address inclusion/exclusion can be managed from Account Settings. Detailed instructions here.